
Source Information

  • Title Mortgage 
    Short Title Mortgage by Ferd A. Besha and Mary L. Fraley - 1933 
    Author Ferd A. Besha and Mary L. Fraley 
    Publisher 27 Jan 1933 
    DATE 21 Jan 2005 
    MEDI Mortgage 
    Source ID S66 

    Full Covenant

    Ferd A. Besha & Mary L. Fraley


    Frank A. Evans & Hattie V. Evans

    Dated, January 26th 1933

    State of New York
    County of Jefferson, ss.

    Recorded on the 27th day of January A.D., 1933
    at 10:06 o'clock A.M.
    in Liber 237, of Mortgages, at Page 394 and examined.
    Fred Hebroon?, Clerk

    Law Office
    A. F. Mills
    1 & 2 Dunlop Building
    Carthage, N.Y.

    State of New York,
    County of Jefferson, ss.

    I do hereby certify that I have received on the within Mortgage, $2.50 being the amount of the Recording Tax imposed thereon and paid at the date of recording thereof.
    Dated Jan 27, 1933
    D. C. Farmer
    Recording Officer of Jefferson
    County, N.Y.

    Form 568 N.Y. Mortgage Full Covenant
    (Laws of 1917, Chap. 681, Stationary Form M)

    TUTBLANX Registered U.S. Pat. Office
    Tuttle Law Print, Publishers, Rutland, Vt.

    This Mortgage,

    Made the 26th day of January, Nineteen Hundred and Thirty Three
    Between Ferd A. Besha, a widower of the Town of Champion, Jefferson County, N.Y. & Mary L. Fraley, of Evans Mills, Jefferson County, N.Y.

    the mortgagors, and

    Frank A. Evans & Hattie V. Evans, and the survivor thereof, of Carthage, N.Y.

    the mortgagees

    Witnesseth That to secure the payment of an indebtedness in the sum of FIVE HUNDRED Dollars ($500.00) lawful lmoney of the United States, to be paid on the 26th day of January 1935, with interest thereon at the rate of 6% per annum payable on the 26th day of July and the 26th day of January of each year thereafter until said principal or the whole thereof on any interest date before said principal becomes due and payable as hereinabove provided.

    according to a certain bond or abligation bearing even date herewith, the mortgagors hereby mortgage to the mortgagee

    All that Tract, Piece or Parcel of Land, situate in the Town of Champion County of Jefferson and State of New York, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a red cedar stake, a corner Mr. Henry's land; from thence S. 35 1/2 
    Linked to Ferdinand A. Besha